How to Set up & Use the dStresen System
You have all the cables plugged in to the control box & you have the distance of 68 cm from the front of the shaker base to the 1st tune bar anchor nut painted red .
The back ground number will be 200 as you are on a 60kg rail with concrete sleepers , J&J TECH have tuned the system to the dStresen standard . If you should be scanning a say 53kg rail still use 200 as BGNo , if measuring a 68 kg rail still use 200 BGNo the only time a different number is needed is on wooden sleepers . We observe that the wooden sleepers move around all day and are very difficult to anchor in the ballast , do not have the depth and weight of the concrete sleeper . The wood sleeper generally has a constantly changing SFT .
So the dStresen system is ready to scan the rail .
You now have a temp gauge reading and the rail should be around 20c and warming . There is a good reason why the temps need to be warming the rail line . If the rail line ballast is not working like it should the SFT will have been pulled down during the cool night temps so having a warming temperature enables one to quickly see what the SFT is and another scan with increased temp will show you if the rail SFT is changing .
Here is an example ; Rail line temp is 20c , the scan result says SFT at 23c then let the line warm to say 20.5c scan again you now have SFT saying 24c so the ballast is not working correctly .
On the other hand we have a line temp 20c and the scan says we now have a SFT at 36c this line looks promising . .To check this out come back and re-scan at a very different temp . A solid rail line will have a small movement from tension to compression of say 3 to 4c .
Now if the BGNo should actually change from 200 to 210 but as a operator you will not be aware of this , the difference in the SFT will be 0.3c nothing to worry about .
Sometimes we have a scan result that does not look right so walk up to the shaker , make sure is firm not lose in any way then check out the Tune Bar by un-clipping then re-clamp back to the rail head and take another scan , if the reading is similar all good but if very different just scan again and should get a similar result .
Try not to over tighten the Shaker or the T/Bar to the head of the rail line , firm is good .
Operating the Wifi set up .
We use a extra computer which is part of the control box which receives & sends the signals so if you cannot get next to a rail line but can walk to the test site Wifi is a perfect solution .
The gear for Wifi is 1 control box , 1 battery box using very light weight Shorai batteries and a sine wave inverter providing power to the control box . The shaker can be carried in 1hand , power box over your back and the rest of the gear in the other hand otherwise you get a extra pair of hands and share the gear to the next test site .
The most important part of this action is to make sure you have a direct visual between the control box and the vehicle holding the Wifi set up and the distance will surprise you , hundreds of meters .
The scans are just the same as using short cables next to the rail line .